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'Spiteful' bully locks terrified girlfriend in bedroom without food, drink or toilet for 4 days

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A controlling brute imprisoned his petrified partner in her own bedroom for four days, depriving her of food, drink, and even toilet access.

Jason Power, labelled as a spiteful tormentor, routinely inflicted violence on the woman. She was so petrified that she eventually fled through a window, desperate to escape his clutches.

Despite being arrested, he shamelessly bombarded her with calls, trying to manipulate her into retracting her statement, Hull Crown Court heard.

Power, 31, from 8th Avenue in north Hull, admitted to engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour towards his girlfriend from January 1, 2022, to May 21 this year and also to intimidating her as a witness on May 21. Prosecutor Matthew Bean said the couple's relationship began early in 2022, but it quickly turned sour as Power exerted control and aggression over her.

He twisted her reality, convincing her that his oppressive actions were for her benefit. He banned her from seeing the doctor, having friends around, and kept her locked up at home, according to Hull Live, reports the Manchester Evening News.

In a harrowing ordeal in early May this year, he confined her to her bedroom without respite for four days. "He would not allow her to eat or drink anything," Mr Bean disclosed.

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On May 21, the woman received a phone call from her son announcing his release from police custody. However, Power delivered a chilling ultimatum to her, threatening: "Ultimately, he said that it was him or her son and so she told him to leave," recounted Mr Bean.

In a fit of fury, Power lashed out, verbally abusing her: "He told her that she was a sl*t and a wh***."

Power continued his rampage of vitriol, declaring she was undesirable, and violently assaulted her twice, the attacks causing her to crash into a wardrobe, resulting in scratches and bruises on her head. He didn't stop there; in an explosion of anger, he destroyed a free-standing mirror by crashing it against the wall, punctuating the destruction with a gaping hole.

Trapped in fear, the woman managed to slip away from the bedroom to the kitchen. While enduring this terrifying episode, Power took her mobile phone and locked the doors, effectively imprisoning her within her own home.

Fueled by sheer panic, she made a daring escape through a window and begged a neighbour for help, calling the police as narrated by Mr Bean. After some time, she was able to wave down a passing police car, which led to the apprehension of Power.

As Power was ejected onto the street, he continued to barrage his partner with insults. "She didn't get her phone back," Mr Bean stressed, pointing out its value at around £1,000.

While detained, Power reached out to the woman three times in desperate calls, insisting each time: "On each occasion, he asked her to drop the charges," as per Mr Bean's account.

Desperately clinging to their connection, he expressed to her: "He said that he didn't want to be away from her. He said that he was 'sh***ing himself' and was looking at five years in prison."

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Power, who has racked up 13 previous convictions including those for violence and public disorder, admitted his guilt to the charges. Mitigating on behalf of Power, David Godfrey described the nature of the offences, saying, "This is unpleasant offending,".

"He understands and appreciates that the relationship is well and truly over. He wishes for the victim in this case to move on with her life."

Power, acknowledging his problems, has through his lawyer expressed a wish to address them: "He wishes for me to say sorry on his behalf," Mr Godfrey relayed, adding that Power knows that, "He acknowledges that custody is inevitable. It is just a question of how long."

Deputy circuit judge Timothy Clayson outlined the pattern of abuse Power subjected the woman to, which included regular violence and coercive control. "You effectively imprisoned her for four days and denied her food and drink," Judge Clayson said.

"You smashed a burger into her face. There was further violence from time to time in the form of punching her and making threats of more serious violence towards her and, on one occasion, concerning her son."

Judge Clayson also spoke of the insults and intimidation tactics used by Power: "You repeatedly insulted her and scared her. You pushed her against a wardrobe, causing minor injuries to her head."

Power didn't let custody stop his manipulative ways, as he was reported to have continued his attempts from behind bars: "While in custody, you phoned her trying to get her to drop the charges against you. The impact on her has been described as substantial."

In the end, Power's actions caught up with him, resulting in a significant sentence of two years and 10 months imprisonment, and a 10-year restraining order to boot.

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