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International Coffee Day: Coffee Beyond The Cup

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Coffee is loved worldwide for its rich flavour and invigorating effects. For many, it’s a morning ritual that signals the start of a productive day. But coffee has far more to offer than just a caffeine kick in the morning. Beyond its use as a drink, coffee beans and grounds can be incorporated into a wide range of creative and practical uses in our daily lives. From skincare and gardening to cleaning and crafting, coffee is an incredibly versatile resource that continues to surprise us with its benefits.

Exfoliating scrubs

Coffee grounds serve as a natural exfoliant, making them perfect for scrubbing away dead skin cells and revealing a brighter complexion. The rough texture helps improve blood circulation, while the caffeine works to reduce puffiness and tighten the skin.

Suraj Mathkar, a content creator specializing in skin and hair care, explains, “I initially began exploring skin and hair care as a personal hobby, but after receiving an overwhelmingly positive response from others, I realised the potential to take it more seriously. What started as a passion soon grew into a more professional endeavour, as I discovered how coffee can be used in a variety of ways to enhance both skin and hair care.”

You can easily create a DIY coffee scrub by mixing ground coffee with coconut oil and a touch of honey for a hydrating, rejuvenating exfoliant. Regular use can lead to softer skin and an invigorated appearance.

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Just as coffee can do wonders for your skin, it can also nourish your hair. Coffee’s high antioxidant content helps protect the scalp from damage, while caffeine stimulates hair follicles, promoting growth and preventing hair loss.

“Whether through exfoliating scrubs, scalp treatments, or rejuvenating masks, the versatility of coffee in self-care routines has inspired me to continue sharing this journey with a larger audience,” adds Mathkar.

To create a scalp treatment, simply brew a strong cup of coffee, let it cool, and massage it into your scalp. Leave it in for about 20 minutes before rinsing it out for shinier, more vibrant hair. For added moisture, mix coffee grounds with your conditioner for a quick hair mask.

Headache relief

For many, coffee is a go-to remedy for headaches. Caffeine constricts blood vessels, which can reduce the pain associated with migraines or tension headaches. It’s no wonder that caffeine is an active ingredient in many over-the-counter pain relievers.

If you’re experiencing a mild headache, try sipping on a small cup of coffee or placing a cold compress soaked in brewed coffee on your forehead. The caffeine, combined with its cooling effects, can help alleviate the pain.

Natural Fertiliser

If you’re a plant enthusiast, you’ll be pleased to know that coffee can also serve as a fantastic addition to your garden. Used coffee grounds are packed with nutrients like potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus, which help nourish your plants and promote growth.

Renuka Mudaliar, a home gardener who uses coffee in her gardening routine, shares, “Being a South Indian, we love having pure, freshly ground coffee at home. But every time we make some coffee, a little is left over. Being a person who believes in sustainability and a plant momma, I get the best chance to use it for my plant babies.”

Mudaliar highlights the importance of using coffee responsibly. “Before using coffee, do keep in mind to not directly use it in the soil, as its high caffeine could end up damaging the plants. Instead, mix it with compost to get the best results,” she explains.

Coffee not only enriches the soil but also acts as a natural pesticide, keeping pests like slugs and insects away from your plants.

Odour neutraliser

Coffee grounds are excellent for neutralising unpleasant odours around the house. Whether it’s in your fridge, shoes, or a room that needs freshening up, coffee can absorb and eliminate strong smells, leaving your space feeling cleaner.

To use coffee as an odour neutralizer, simply place a bowl of dry coffee grounds in areas prone to strong odours, such as the refrigerator or under the kitchen sink.

DIY Candles

For those who love candles, coffee can be used to create beautifully scented, rustic candles. You can infuse wax with coffee grounds or coffee oil for a rich, comforting aroma that can fill your home with the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

image DIY Candle

To make your own coffee-scented candle, melt wax in a double boiler, mix in a handful of coffee grounds or add a few drops of coffee essential oil, and pour it into a jar with a wick. Once cooled, you’ll have your very own candle that adds both warmth and scent to any space.


Coffee adds a rich depth of flavour to both sweet and savoury dishes, making it a versatile ingredient in cooking. For savoury dishes, coffee rubs can be used not only on meat and chicken but also in vegetarian cuisine, adding complexity to roasted vegetables or tofu. Ground coffee can be mixed with spices like chilli powder, garlic, and paprika to create a smoky, caramelized layer when grilled or roasted. In sweet recipes, coffee enhances baked goods by adding a subtle bitterness that balances the sweetness of desserts. Whether you add coffee grounds or brewed coffee to cakes, cookies, or brownies, it infuses a rich, mocha flavor that perfectly complements chocolate and other sweet treats.

Food Review: Mazi Coffee Bar and Kitchen, Mumbai, Offers Inventive Coffee Creations And Delectable Dishes

Why choose coffee?

From skincare to home décor, coffee brings an array of benefits. It’s natural, eco-friendly, and, best of all, budget-friendly! So, the next time you sip on your favourite brew, remember that the magic doesn’t end in your cup.


Coffee scrub cubes


·     1 cup coffee grounds

·     1 cup coconut oil

·     ½ cup brown sugar

·     Ice cube tray


1.   Melt the coconut oil and mix in the coffee grounds and sugar.

2.   Pour the mixture into the ice cube tray.

3.   Let it solidify in the freezer.

4.   Pop out a cube before each shower for an exfoliating scrub.


Coffee-scented soap


·     Melt-and-pour soap base

·     2 tablespoons of coffee grounds

·     A few drops of vanilla essential oil (optional)

·     Silicone soap moulds

image DIY coffee soaps


1.   Melt the soap base according to the package instructions.

2.   Stir in the coffee grounds and essential oil.

3.   Pour the mixture into soap moulds and allow it to cool and harden.

4.   Once set, remove from the moulds and enjoy your coffee-scented soap!

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