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Health Tips- Lack of potassium in the body is harmful for heart health, know its symptoms

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If you want to keep your body healthy, then you need to pay special attention to your lifestyle and diet, because lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body can cause many types of health problems, in such a situation, if we talk about potassium, then it is an essential nutrient for the body, its deficiency in the body can increase heart diseases, such as heart attack and stroke. Today we will tell you in detail about the importance of potassium in the body, the consequences of deficiency and ways to ensure adequate amounts of this essential mineral-

Why is potassium important

Strengthening the heart muscle: Potassium is essential for strengthening the heart muscle. It helps maintain proper function of the heart.

Electrolyte function: As an electrolyte, potassium regulates the activity of the nervous system, muscle contractions and overall heart rhythm.

Reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems: Adequate potassium levels are associated with a reduced risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, making it an essential component of heart health.

Risks of potassium deficiency

Palpitations: Irregular heartbeats may occur more frequently.

Heart attack: Severe potassium deficiency may increase the risk of heart attack.

Sudden cardiac arrest: In extreme cases, low potassium levels can lead to life-threatening cardiac complications.

Symptoms of low potassium

Rapid heartbeat
Difficulty breathing
In severe cases, sudden cardiac arrest
Dietary sources of potassium
To maintain healthy potassium levels, include potassium-rich foods in your diet, such as:

Fruits: bananas, avocados and oranges

Vegetables: potatoes, leafy greens and tomatoes

Legumes: beans and lentils

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