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Choose Forgiveness, No Matter The Challenge

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Un forgiveness is a sin and displeases God . He takes it seriously, even if we tolerate it in our hearts. When someone injures us, whether intentionally or inadvertently, we face a decision. This choice is entirely ours to make. We must decide whether to forgive or not. While much can be said about sin, one thing is certain - it hinders us from experiencing God's best in our lives, according to Mark 11: 25-26. Do we ever ponder what our unforgiving hearts cause us to miss? By Divine grace, let us strive never to ask this question because we consistently opt for forgiveness, no matter the challenge.

David's deep faith in God's forgiving nature defined him. A prominent figure in the Bible , David is known as a shepherd, poet, and giant slayer - remember the David and Goliath story - king and ancestor of Jesus. He lived passionately and sinned often but quickly confessed and repented sincerely. Despite his admirable qualities, he was also a betrayer, liar, adulterer, and murderer.

One sin David regretted was his affair with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband to hide his wrongdoing. He acknowledged the pain caused to many. Yet, according to Psalm 51, God forgave him due to his genuine repentance. David valued God's forgiveness and never took it lightly. No sin is too great for absolution.

The 'Bible' acknowledges David's flaws but honours him for his devotion to God. This raises the question of why God called him "a man after my own heart", Acts 13:22.

Many prefer avoiding consequences to seeking forgiveness. While God forgave David, He did not shield him from the consequences of his actions. Unlike others, David sinned significantly but learnt from his mistakes; he experienced the joy of forgiveness while enduring the consequences of his sins. Many fail to learn from their errors or the resulting consequences.

Do you feel beyond redemption due to a grave mistake? Rest assured that God can forgive any transgression upon confession. However, while God forgives us, He may not remove the natural consequences of our actions - David's life was forever changed by his deeds. As a prophet, Nathan confronted David's sins - his affair with Bathsheba and Uriah's murder - with courage and skill.

Would you seek divine intervention for a fresh start? The Bible states, "If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land," Isaiah 1:19. This assurance from God indicates that if we are amenable and compliant, Christ will forgive and erase even our most stubborn blemishes.

God is an unconditional forgiver, and through Christ's death, our Heavenly Father is prepared to forgive anyone for anything. This means that anyone who seeks His forgiveness will receive it, and all sins repented and confessed will be pardoned through Christ's shed blood. God's heart extends forgiveness to all without discrimination. God desires us to forgive as He does, emphasising the importance of forgiveness in our lives. By following His example, we can improve our relationships and personal well-being.

Have you sacrificed God's blessings due to an unforgiving heart? If so, how much longer do you wish to wander in the wilderness, detached from His most abundant gifts?

Authored by: Andrew Rodrigues

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