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Watch: College student discovers live scorpion in parcel

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A college student received an unexpected surprise when she found a live scorpion in a package of boots ordered from the fast-fashion retailer Shein . Sofia Alonso-Mossinger , an 18-year-old electrical and electronic engineering student at the University of Bristol in the UK, made the startling discovery.

"I unzipped the outer packaging and saw something move and thought, 'What’s this?'" Alonso-Mossinger said, as quoted by the BBC. Initially mistaking the creature for a toy, she realized it was a live scorpion when it moved.

Flatmates Phoebe Hunt, 18, and zoology student Oliver James assisted in capturing the scorpion using kitchen tongs , placing it in a plastic container with water and a makeshift shelter.

The group contacted the National Centre for Reptile Welfare (NCRW) and learned that the scorpion, known as Olivierus martensii or Chinese scorpion , has a sting that is potentially life-threatening, but an average adult would likely just have a really bad day, according to NCRW's Chris Newman.

According to a spokesperson for Shein, they immediately conducted an internal investigation after receiving the feedback. They mentioned that their teams on the ground had checked the shipment packing process and carried out an inspection of the goods in their warehouse, confirming that all standard operating procedures had been adhered to.

Alonso-Mossinger, although taken aback, is now able to tell the story, noting that it was quite scary at that time.
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